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11 Cute and Sexy Things Guys Do That Girls Love

Ever wondered what are the things that your girl find adorable about you? You always try to do things that would make your girl like you even more. If you figured out those core qualities that your girl liked about you, then you would probably work on strengthening those qualities further and doing  those things repetitively so that she always finds you attractive.

Here are 11 cute and sexy things guys do that girls love:

1. He discusses marriage

Every girl looks for a serious and committed relationship.  She does not like guys who develop cold feet whenever the discussion of marriage crops up. If you discuss marriage and the future of the relationship with your girl, it will make her love you more. Nothing makes a girl happier than the guy discussing marriage which means that he is serious about the relationship.

2. He smells good

Body odour is a huge turn off for women. A guy should make the effort to smell good all the time. Do not forget to wear a perfume or deodorant when you walk out of the house, especially when you go out to meet your girlfriend. If possible, carry one along with you when you go out with her just in case the smell does not last long. Your girl would like to get closer to you only if you smell well.

3.Dressing appropriately

You should make some extra efforts to look impeccable and well turned out when you are going out with her. Dressing appropriately would also instil a sense of confidence in you. You must be dressed to kill and make her feel proud when she walks along with you. You should also be careful about dressing differently for different occasions.

4. Singing for her

A girl would love it if you sing for her. You may not be someone who sings in the correct pitch. Even you think of yourself as a below average singer, sing from the heart. Let the lines convey your feelings to your girl. The song should make her feel your love.

5. Being protective

There is a thin line between being protective and over protective. You should not let your girl feel that you are restricting her freedom in some way and controlling the way she should lead her life. Being protective means looking out for at regular intervals and making her feel that you are always with her no matter what. In times of trouble or distress you are the one she should fall back upon.

6. Lending your shoulder

Offer her your shoulder whenever she needs some rest. Your strong and broad shoulders should make her feel comfortable and relaxed. The feeling of intimacy with a partner would also add to her comfort. Why would she need a pillow or a bed when she has your shoulders providing her enough warmth and love?

7.Holding her hand

Nothing is quite as romantic as holding the hands of your partner. It is one of the simplest and most romantic ways to express your love. It is also a symbolic expression signifying that you would never go of her .It marks a promise that you will always be with her at every stage of life.

8.Sure about the future

Girls like guys who are sure about their future. You should have a solid plan as to how you plan to take your relationship ahead. The guy should be focuses about his career and should have a fair idea of where does he sees himself in the next few years. Of course, his future should be marked by your presence by his side.

9.Subtle intimacy

Every girl wants her guy to express his love to her. The guy should not come across as very desperate and should take one step at a time when it comes to physical intimacy. There should be no rush in the process and he should let things take their natural course. Some subtle displays of affection such as kissing on the forehead, a warm and gentle hug are always welcome.


The first thing that a girl desires in a guy is his courtesy. He should be courteous towards her and treat her with utmost respect. He must pull out the chair for her when they go out on a dinner date and should always let her have her say before voicing his opinion. Always let her feel that out of the two of you, she is the more important one.

11.Commit to her

While girls always seek a long-term relationship, most of the guys shy away from making a commitment. If you commit to your girlfriend, it will mean that you are serious about her. This is the most important quality that a girl looks for in a guy. Making a commitment is not enough. You must honour it as well. Once you get into a relationship you have to immerse yourself in it.

To keep the fire of your relationship burning and making your girl stick to you, you need to put in some extra effort to do things that would melt her heart and make her love you all the more. To ensure that the relationship does not get stagnant you have to keep doing certain things that strike a chord with your girl.

10 Tips to Fall in Love with Yourself and be a Better Person!

Everybody has failures in life. Life is full of ups and downs. But that shouldn’t make you hate yourself. In order to have respect and love for yourself, you first need to respect and love yourself. You may not love yourself for any of the reason, be it you are overweight, or people not giving attention to you, or you are having a hard time with the failures in your life.
Whatever the reason may be, try to change it and love yourself to make your life better. You will love your life once you are able to love yourself.

1. Just believe in yourself!

You need to be determined for whatever you do. A goal should be defined in your mind to help make you succeed. This is the best way to know your capabilities and love yourself. You can change every single thing you hate about yourself. Try making little changes every day. Little will combine up to large some or the other day. Be determined and believe in yourself to love yourself as well as respect yourself.

2. Respect yourself!

You only can answer one question genuinely. Do you actually respect yourself? In order to love yourself, first you need to respect yourself. Leave behind your negative aspects and focus on the positive ones. As we all are humans, we are bound to have some flaws and some good sides. Some see it and some don’t. Be positive and try to avoid the negative ones!

3. Be fit!

Believe it or not, being fit pleases the eye. If you are obese or unfit, you will be not that confident enough to present yourself. Putting on weight is very easy. Reducing that extra fat is one big thing. Sitting back in a couch and thinking how to lose weight won’t help you at all. Start a workout program and see the change in you in a couple of months. It will be able to boost up your confidence as well as your self-respect. It takes years to hate the person staring back at you in the mirror. It will take lesser time to love that person once you start working on yourself.

4.Meet new people!

You’re not alone. You are definitely not the only one who has got problems in his/her life. God has given the same number of problems and solutions, only at a later or an earlier stage. Life is equally fair and unfair to every one of us. Joining a group of new people will help you grow and discover yourself. Interact with people who share your passions and your dreams. By sharing your thoughts and dreams, you will feel good about yourself. And when people will love and respect you, automatically you will also do the same to yourself.

5. Listen to everybody but then follow your heart.

You should definitely give importance to everybody’s advices or opinions. But you should not give anybody the power to dominate you or to push you to do something you don’t wish to do. Every time you let somebody push you over, your confidence gives a second thought and you start to doubt it. If you have friends who take you for granted or don’t give much importance to you, then it’s time for you to call off that friendship. Be with the people who don’t make you question your confidence.

6. Achieve more and more!

You should push yourself to achieve more and more. It will make you feel more confident about yourself. And confidence in return draws attention and awe which will help you more to love yourself. An hour you spend on yourself will do wonders in a month’s time. Decide a goal of your choice and move towards it with 100% focus, be it in a professional way or a personal thing. You don’t have to give up on yourself at any time of the day.

7. Focus on how you look!

Appearance may be shallow, but unfortunately, we give importance to many shallow things like clothes, weight issues and money which makes us feel bad or even worse. It may even cover all the good things that we possess which is hidden from everybody. Spend some time to improve your dressing sense and physique. If you look good, you feel good. People will compliment you and at the end of the day, who doesn’t like compliments?

8. Make somebody your role model!

A role model will not make you love yourself, but it will be of great help to become a better person. Do you generally look up to somebody and think you want to be like them? They can be used as a tool of inspiration for you to grow further in life. You can be a better person by following their footsteps.

9.Start loving yourself!

Find out the best traits in you and leave behind the bad ones. Inner happiness and love comes from within. Be a positive person and be satisfied with yourself. Then you won’t have a hard time finding somebody to love you.

10. Don’t be too critical about yourself!

Loving yourself may take a lot of time. It’s a beautiful feeling to good and be admired by everyone. But it does take time. One should not be too critical of oneself and expect immediate changes. The good times will surely roll in, but you need to give it sometime.

These tips can surely be of a good use to you to help you in the betterment of yourself. It will help you to grow. So shed all the shyness and build in the tree of confidence which will guarantee success to you in the near future.

7 Signs – He Loves Me Or Loves Me Not?

He Loves Me Or Loves Me Not?

7 Signs To Check If Your Boyfriend Really Does Love You 

Well, I happen to be that single friend who shamelessly gives relationship advice to all my friends. But wait, judge me no wrong, my relationship advice have worked more than perfectly. So far, so good, they say. Oh, and if you say why don’t I apply some of my advice practically in my life and get myself a ‘companion’ or ‘soulmate’ or what not, I have two pretty strong reasons to throw at you, first being, I believe my prince charming’s apparently lost directions and well, guess what, he’s too adamant to even ask someone! And secondly, I’m in madly love with him and… yeah, that’s about it. But, for those, who happen to have found their swain, flame, lover or your ‘sweetheart’, ‘honey’ and what not , following are a seven signs to know that your boyfriend really does love you

1. He stands right next to you in public… CONFIDENTLY
So, first thing first, he loves you so much and respects you, so shouldn’t you  two be hanging out openly? I mean, common, who are we even kidding, we are no eighth graders to keep it a hush-hush affair. And if your man loves you, he did never be ashamed of hanging out with you, even if he has an omnipresent, over inquisitive man. So, if your man really ‘mans’ up and hang around with you without a hint of reluctance, he really is confident about your future, and that’s amazing, right?

2. Action speaks louder than words, they say.
Well, that’s a generic phrase, but it really does fit in utterly well for a man in love. Most of the guys do shun away from expressing their emotions or writing about poems and couplets about their better half. However, what a man in love really does is, take care of you. He might not call you a twenty times a day, but he’d be concerned about your whereabouts, your emotions, and your problems. He’d very keenly be involved in your life, and would read you page by page, with no hurry to reach to a destination.

Believe me, if he really cares, you’d feel it with the little things he do to put a smile on your face.

3. He makes you meet his friends
Oh, these boys. These boys are one hell of image-conscious specimens. They did never, I repeat, NEVER, do anything that would in any way fiddle with their ‘brand image’. So, if your man introduces you to his friends, he is really diving deeply into love with you.

4. Sets a comfort zone for you
They say, it’s priceless to find a soulmate with exact same insanity as yours. But, man, I really differ on this a tab bit. You and your better half might not be two exactly same creatures with the same level of insanity, but if he lets you be yourself and make you feel at ease and stroke in some peace, ladies, he’s the one! He accepts you for what you are, and admires your imperfections as much as your  perfect side, he really is in love with you.

5. The idiot gets a bit jealous too
So, possessiveness is something wholly different, but if he’s really into you, he’d get somewhat jealous seeing you around other handsome men  :)

And it’s absolutely fine until and unless it doesn’t get intense. Jealousy is a trait a man in love would always showcase unconsciously and artlessly.

6. Compromise

The art of compromise is a key to a healthy relationship. Well, it certainly doesn’t mean you always have the upper hand in the relationship. But, if in love, he’d go out-of-his way just to make you happy. He wouldn’t mind altering his lifestyle to certain extent for your satisfaction. If you’re the one who’s managed to soften his heart, stir the right cords at the right time, you’re one lucky lady, my friend.

7. Talks about the future

I’ve placed this at the last, but, this really is the most important sign of all. If he’s seriously involved with you, he’d talk about the future with a sense of commitment.  Does he joke about having future kids together? If the answer to all that is a yes, my lady, he has no intention of letting you go.

So, above were seven signs to know if your boyfriend is really into you. Go ahead ladies, and scrutinize your boyfriend with these signs.

7 Signs He Is Falling In Love With You.

Still confused about whether he is in love with you or not?
Well, you need not peep into his heart to know the truth (also, it isn’t medically advised), but his activities would definitely help you get all the answers. If you find the following seven signs in a person who is connected to you then it is very possible that he is falling in love with you, no matter what he says.

1. Always shows you a lot of respect:

No matter where you are – college, marketplace, park; and no matter who you’re with – surrounded by friends or even alone, he will always show you a lot of respect and try to make the environment around you pleasant, making you feel like a real princess.  He always introduces you to his friends or colleagues with a lot of enthusiasm and expects equal respect in return. He never fails to praise you in public, or to express how much he loves you.

2. Trying to put in that extra bit of effort:

Big or small, he always tries to put that extra bit of effort in everything related to you. You can always depend on him to get any of your jobs done and he gives his best plus something extra just to please you. Ask him to bring you a rose, and he’ll bring you a bouquet. Ask him to drop you at the shopping centre, and he’ll accompany you inside and help you carry the bags. He would leave no stone unturned, when it comes to helping you out.

3. Always ready to compromise:

No matter how serious or long the argument, he’s always willing to compromise and see through your eyes. You are the only thing he’s concerned about. For example, do observe that he would order the food you love, even if it isn’t his favourite. It’s hardly a big deal for him to sacrifice this much to see you happy.

4. Takes care of you:

Mention that you’re unwell, and you’re bombarded with tons of questions like “What happened?” “Have you taken any medicine?”, “Why didn’t you tell me?”, and so on. He would sometimes behave like your mother and would not mind getting angry on you for not taking proper care of your health. A small cut would appear big to him. Not just physical care, he would even take care of your feelings. He would never say what you dislike and would never do anything that would hurt you. Sometimes he would even hold your hand to help you cross the road.

5. Expresses his feelings frankly:

If he is angry with you, he will let you know without keeping things bottled up inside him. He believes in pouring out his true feelings to you.  If he is happy about something, you would be the first one to know about it. He always keeps you in mind and sometimes his actions and thoughts revolve only around you. In case he did something wrong, he would immediately apologise to you without giving it a second thought, once again because he doesn’t want to lose you.

6. Always looking for reasons to talk to you:

Don’t be surprised if he calls you in the middle of the night just to ask what you were doing. It clearly indicates that he doesn’t get tired of thinking about you. As soon as he gets up in the morning, he first texts you or calls you to say ‘good morning’ and keeps texting throughout the day at regular intervals, about anything at all. Even if he is invited to a party, he would call you to ask what he should be wearing. He’s never out of touch.

7. You are more important to him:

The only thing that he is concerned about is you, you’re at the top of his priority list. Sometimes you may even be surprised to see that he skipped work just because you were bored and needed someone to talk to. He would not mind skipping a meal just to take your call. He’s always thinking about your feelings. Next time you find these signs in someone, don’t ignore them. These are clear signs that he is falling in love with you. He may deny it, but give him some time and you’ll know how he truly feels.

So has someone been giving you these signs lately? Do reply in the comments section to share your views and experiences!

Ways of Gaining Back Your Partner’s Trust after Lying to Them

All of us know that lying is a vice. Still, there is no person in this world who has never uttered a lie. We all have said lies on several occasions and have ended up hurting a lot of people. Sometimes, we lie to make someone happy or to hide a truth which could hurt others. Whatever the reason may be, once the person whom we have lied to, finds out, they get upset with us. When you are in a relationship, it is important that you stay honest with your partner and never lie to them. It is very difficult to gain your partner’s trust after they get to know that you lied to them. If your lie does not have any serious consequence, they could forgive you easily, but if you lied to hide something really important, they could find it difficult to forgive you. Having said that, making your partner forgive you is a difficult but not necessarily an impossible task.

Here are a few ways in which you gain back your partner’s trust after lying to them:

Be sincere

You must be sincere in your appeal. You should ask your partner to forgive you only when it comes from the heart. You should be honest and put across a sincere appeal that would touch your partner’s heart and make them realize that you really care for them.  There must be regretting in your voice and most in your eyes. Do not try to fake your emotions. They will know when you are faking your emotions.

Write a letter

Sometimes, written words work better than verbal communication. Write a letter to your partner seeking an apology for hurting them. Write that you realize your mistake and would not lie to them again. You might find it difficult to confront them. Writing a letter would enable you to convey your feelings without any fear or embarrassment. Yes, verbal communication could prove to be more effective but if they accept your apology, you can talk to them directly after that.

Be patient

Time heals everything. We tend to get impatient in such situations as we start imagining the worst possible outcome. However, it is in such situations that we should hold on to our patience and wait for things to settle down. If you cannot wait for long, you should at least give your partner some time to cool themselves to a certain extent. Let their anger simmer down to a lower degree and then you can think about talking to them


Before you apologize to your partner, think why you lied to them in the first place. What drove you towards being dishonest to someone you love so much? Once you figure out the exact reason, you must try your best not to repeat that mistake and should refrain from lying to them again. What is the use of apologizing if you end up lying to them again?  You must mentally condition yourself to stay honest to them and stick to that resolve.

Seek help from friends

Both of you must have some common friends who know you very well and would be willing to help you. Seek help from such friends. Invite them home or arrange a meeting in some place and bring your partner along. Sometimes, your partner could be in a mood to listen to other people more. So, bringing in a couple of friends and asking them to help you out could prove to be an effective measure to set things right. Your friends might help your partner to see things clearly and make them realize that even though you committed a mistake you love them.

Stay away

It might not make sense in the beginning, but staying at a distance from your partner for some time could make them realize your importance in their life. But remember, even when you stay away from them you must keep a tab on them to figure out whether they value you or not. Maintaining distance can work either way- it could bring you closer or could drive you apart. In this case, your partner is upset with you and is not willing to talk to you. You could try to use this tool to get closer to them again.


Although you are going through a rough patch now, both of you must have some fond memory of each other. Make your partner remember the times in which you both shared the happiest moments of your life. You could reignite these memories by talking to them, showing them pictures or playing some video. You should take your partner to a place where you both have spent some good times together.  Just figure out a way to remind them of the wonderful moments. Thinking about those times will make them realize the importance of your relationship and would encourage them to forgive you.

Trust is a very vital element in a relationship.  It takes a lot of time to gain someone’s trust, but you make a mistake and it is all gone. You must be very careful when you are in a relationship and always be honest with your partner. If you think about it, is not that a very difficult task to accomplish. Do not lie to your partner. Even if you know the truth will hurt them, be honest and speak the truth.

Keys for a long-lasting Relationship

Long lasting relationship requires some tiresome efforts. You start a relationship with a bang. In the beginning it always seems like some fairy tale love story, where everything is so perfect and beautiful. But no matter how beautiful relationship you both share you always stay doubtful and insecure when asked about how long it will going to stay this way! Since nobody can predict the future especially when it’s about relationships but we can still try at our level to make sure it doesn’t fade away that easily. There are some very simple keys we all should follow that imply to almost all of us to keep a long-lasting relationship.

Be confident.

You have to be confident about yourself, about your looks your ideas, about anything you do in life. That is because you can make your partner admire you and look up to you only when you make him realize that you have no complains with yourself. It will make him proud of you and he/she will feel more secure with you.

Don’t be very much insecure.

If you don’t want your partner to get irritated with you, and don’t want him to feel suffocated then you should stop being too much insecure about him. Showing possessiveness is okay sometimes but taking it too much seriously and too much reactions over such issues can make your partner search for reasons to ignore you. It might be possible you end up having a serious fight.

Don’t interfere in your partner’s life very much.

That is the worst thing you possibly end up doing. Interfering in your partner’s life too much. Or be too much suspicious about him talking to other girls etc. a long-lasting relationship can only be built with a building trust in it. Otherwise it has no existence. So you should start trusting him only then you will be able to keep him for longer term. 

Don’t take your partner for granted.

Just because your partner loves you blindly he is there for you anytime you need him, and you feel he can do anything for you. Doesn’t mean you will start taking him for granted. You should never make that mistake. Because a long-lasting relationship needs respect in it. You have to keep reminding yourself that the person you are in relationship with has a worth, that’s why he is your partner. Even you won’t like to date a person who has no self-respect. So don’t ever put him in such a situation where he will have to decide between you or his dignity.

Don’t act too cheesy.

Don’t ever act way too cheesy and so much loving with your partner. Since your partner might be having different nature, he might not be feeling like fairy tale love story the way you are feeling. Or he might be very practical and realistic in life. Your cheesy behavior can make him turn off. When it’s about relationship you are always supposed to act flexible and witty enough to understand your partner’s needs and wants, and then should act accordingly. Only then you can hope for a long-lasting relationship.

Always show your presence to him whenever he is in trouble.

You might forget his birthday or some other reason of his celebration. But never ever be absent when he is going through a trouble. Because that’s where your real role needs to be played. Where you are supposed to comfort him and make him feel that there is someone with him even at the time of trouble.

Don’t just make it physically compatible but make it emotionally compatible too.

It should not be this way that you both are just sharing a relationship where he is just physically attached to you. Make him open-up, and be the one for him, to whom he becomes emotionally attached too. Read: 12 Warning Signs That She Is Just Not Into You For a long-lasting relationship don’t be so rigid and same throughout. You should learn to change and grow according to the demands of circumstances in your life. So that you both keep sharing a comfortable relationship no matter what!

10 Questions You Need to ask Your Partner Before Seeking a Divorce Read

Before you file a divorce, it is important to analyse the reason behind you taking this step. Talk to your partner at length and discuss the issue with them. If there are some questions you would like to pose to them, now is the time to ask them those questions. Some people find it awkward to bring up the topic of divorce with their partner and directly file for the divorce without talking about it even once. If you want to a file for a divorce, go ahead with it but before you do so just have a heart to heart conversation with your partner. 

1. Why are you not happy with me?
If you think your partner is not happy with you, you must ask the reason for the same. If they give you some valid reasons, you could work on yourself based on the feedback provided by them and perhaps, save your relationship in the process. A lot of people find it difficult to accept that they are not doing enough to keep their partner happy. Do not be egoistic and listen to your partner’s grievances about the same.
2. Why did you get married to me?
There is a reason behind two people coming together and deciding to spend their entire life together. There is a force that gets them attracted to each other. You should take the help of your partner in looking for that factor which made you stick together for so long. Maybe that same reason or factor could help you rekindle your love and change your decision.
3. Are you okay with it?
You must be completely honest with your partner and tell them as to what prompted you to take this step. Most people remain quiet about it and suddenly, slap a legal notice on their partner. Even if you wish to part ways with your partner, you should treat them with respect and make the process as civilized as possible. Let them know that you wish to seek a divorce.
4. Whom should the children go with?
This is something most couples fight about.  Each of the parents fight over the right to take their children with them. They do not realize that, in the process, their children get hurt and deeply affected by this. This should be resolved peacefully between the couple. They should decide among themselves who should the children go with. They should keep the children’s interest in mind while deciding this.
5. How do you plan to go about the finances?
The responsibility of a family is borne equally by the husband and the wife. The finances are managed by both of them and they share the weight of the financial burden together. However, they would not be sharing these responsibilities after they get a divorce. You must act sensible and ask your partner as to how do they plan to manage their finances in the future. There should be equal contribution coming from both of you in a few cases like children’s education, house loan etc.
6. Shall we give each other some time?
There are certain things in life which you should not jump into without any thought. You should think about them carefully before deciding the course of action. Even when both of you have mutually decided to part ways, you could consider giving each other sometime before arriving upon a decision.  Mull over it for a while and then, decide whether you really want this.
7. Are you equipped to handle this?
You might have prepared yourself o deal with what is coming your way but you should also make sure that your partner is mentally ready to go through this. You should not be selfish and think about their state of mind as well. Break the news to them and ask them whether they are ready to deal with this situation as yet.
8. What went wrong?
If you are seeking a divorce and want to part ways with your partner, there must be something that went wrong with your marriage. You have an idea of the things that did not work but you must also consult your partner and ask them to share their views on the same. There must be something that troubled as well.
9. Do you have any questions?
You had your chance. Now you should give your partner the opportunity to put forward some questions to you as well. Some of their questions might end up hurting you or upset you, but you should lend a keen ear and respond to everything they say. You should be civilized in the manner you respond to them and at no point should things get ugly.
10. How do you plan to move forward?
You shared a lot of time together but the road ahead will be lonesome, at least for some time. Both of you should discuss as to how do you plan to lead your lies after the divorce. If possible offer your partner some advice o the way they should lead their life and provide them with all the support you can. A divorce is a bitter experience and often the proceedings turn out to be ugly. You should act mature and try to make it a civilized affair. There is no point in playing a blame game or making things worse than they already are.